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Light Spring Looks

Spring brings change - with light, versatile styles that adapt effortlessly to changing weather. New colors and carefully selected materials give every look freshness and elegance for the coming season.

A light quilted jacket for the transitional period and spring weather Clara .

Can be combined in a sporty or elegant way for more versatility and adaptability in everyday life.

Discover the Clara in the new summer colors.

In the same style as the Clara - our riding vest Nora .

Our lady's slipper quilt is warm, water and dirt repellent.

Reversible linen quilt jacket Len2.0.

One side made of fine linen and the other of lady's slipper quilt.

Reversible linen shirt jacket Vinz2.0 (coming soon).

Also with a linen and a quilt side.

A women's all-time favorite, our lightweight quilt vest Henri .

High-quality, warm quilt edged with linen.